Lead Academy Weekly News 1-26-20
Student-Led Conferences
On February 13th, instead of a normal school day, we hold Student-Led Conferences. On this day, students and a family member(s) come to the school and listen to the student talk about the progress they have made and their goals of the remainder of the year. It is a time for students to take ownership over their learning and talk through their strengths and weaknesses. Please use this link to sign up for an SLC with your student's crew leader:
https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/20f084daca82da6fc1-studentSchool Events Calendar
We recently added some important events to our school calendar. You can view our calendar on our website or under Events on the Lead Academy App.
Volunteers Needed - We need 2 volunteers a month to help collect money from students during morning drop off on Dress Down Days (the first Wednesday of every month). Volunteers are needed from 7:10-7:50am. Please contact joannaespinosa@myleadacademy.com or call the school if you would like to help.
School Zone
Please note that after a long process, Mauldin Road in front of the school is now a school zone. Please watch your speed and slow down so we can keep everyone safe. Many have asked about the possibility of a red light at the school intersection. We have discussed this extensively with DOT and, at this time, it doesn't seem possible due to many factors. However, we are continuing the conversation.
Just a reminder that only Lead Academy jackets may be worn inside the building. Students may wear any jacket outside. If you need to purchase a jacket, please contact Mrs. Steadman.
Inclement Weather
Just a reminder as we finally begin seeing some winter weather patterns, we follow Greenville County's weather decisions. If they have a delay or close, we do the same unless otherwise communicated.
Cold Weather
Our policy for outside play during cold times is 40 degrees. It must be 40 or above for students to go outside for classes or recess.
School Fees and Balances
As a charter school, we operate off a very tight budget and every dollar counts. We maximize every dollar to have direct impact on students. With that said, it is very important that all school fees and lunch balances are taken care of in a timely fashion. Notices are sent home frequently as a reminder. Currently, any student with a negative balance of more than $50 will have all money turned into the front office (field trips, events, and other fees) applied directly to that debt first per board policy. Our board is also working on an updated debt policy which will be published in October. Anytime you need assistance or a payment plan, please reach out to us and we will work something out. If you have questions, please let us know.
New App!
LEAD Academy has a new app! Find sports scores, menus, and news updates. Download on Android: http://bit.ly/2YacBnc or iPhone: https://apple.co/2YdqEIO. The app contains forms to submit a parent excuse for an absence as well as a safety form to report any issues relating to bullying or safety.
2019-2020 School Calendar
View the 2019-2020 calendar here: https://drive.google.com/open?...
Student Dress Code
Please read the 19-20 Dress Code here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/428336/19-20_Student_Dress_Code_Policy.pdf
No major changes have been made.
19-20 Student Handbook
This year's handbook can be located here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/428334/19-20_Student_Parent_Handbook.docx
Important Upcoming Dates
2/5- Dress Down Day $5
2/7- Fun Friday
2/13- SLC Day- Students only attend their SLC
2/14- No School Teacher Workday
2/17- No School President's Day
2/20- Progress Reports