SC Ready State Testing Information

3rd Grade - 8th Grade

Testing will take place April 29 - May 3 at 8:30am each testing day.

Attendance is very important. Appointments and other out-of-school functions should not be scheduled on testing days.  Please avoid early dismissals.

No cell phones or smart devices.

Students may not be in possession of a cell phone, smart watch or any other electronic device that can be used for communicating, recording, timing, creating images, or storing images during testing.


State testing is online and students must have their Chromebook fully charged each day.  Students may not be in possession of any other electronic devices, as it will be considered a testing violation.



April 29

SC Ready ELA Session 1 Writing 

April 30

SC Ready ELA Session 2 Reading

May 1

SC Ready Math  

May 2

SC Ready Science Grades 4 & 6

SC Ready ELA Writing Field Test Grades 3, 5, 7, 8

May 3

SC READY ELA Writing Field Test Grades 4 & 6

EOCEP Algebra I

SC Ready Parent Info Pg 1

SC Ready Parent Info Pg 2